Front End Features of PHP FAQ Script

Discover the front end features of PHP FAQ Script, including search options, customizable styles and user interactions.

Front end features of PHP FAQ Script

PHP FAQ Script makes it easier for users to locate answers they need and enhance their overall experience. With the article search feature, everyone can quickly locate the answers they need.

PHP FAQ Script gives webmasters control over colors, fonts and styles so they can build a recognizable and attractive knowledge base.

Other ways to enhance user engagement include allowing users to view related articles, leave comments, and suggest articles to their friends. These features make the PHP FAQ Script a valuable asset in providing users with quick access to information and support.

Article Search

A search box on the articles list allows users to find specific content more efficiently.

Customizable Appearance

Administrators gain control over the visual design by changing colors, fonts and styles via CSS colors.

Custom Headers and Footers

Administrators can define their own headers and footers for the site.

Multilevel Categories

Articles can be placed into multiple levels of categories in this FAQ Script.

HTML Formatted Articles

The system allows the formatting of articles through HTML.

Refer to a Friend

The feature allows article readers to send links to their friends.

Printer Friendly

The system delivers articles in printer-friendly format.

Article Statistics

Shows statistics about article viewing.

Article Rating

Articles can be rated by users.

User Comments

People can leave comments on articles using this feature.

Submit Queries

It is possible for users to submit their queries for the webmaster to attend to.

Related Articles

Shows users related articles.

Article Attachments

Makes it possible to view attachments that belong to articles.

Responsive Design

The FAQ section is designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive thanks to this feature.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumbs help users navigate through categories easily.

FAQ Voting

FAQs receive votes from users regarding their helpfulness.

FAQ Tags

Article tagging functionality exists to assist with organization and improve find-ability.

FAQ Sorting

The system enables users to sort FAQs by popularity, date or rating.

FAQ Pagination

Service supports pagination of large FAQ lists.

FAQ Filtering

PHP FAQ Script enables users to select which FAQs they want to view based on category or tag.

FAQ Search Suggestions

The search function offers suggestions to users based on what they write in the search field.

FAQ Print Option

The FAQ page has been designed with a print option.